Concept art featured image

Concept art

Create With Cape Town directs local designer to illustrate concept art for; emoji chat stickers, character and science fiction illustrations.

Chat sticker artwork

Taking Shushmoji stickers from text idea to black-and-white rendering and onto full-colour completion with Dominique Whelan from Buy A Donkey.

Anti-chat harassment character

Black and white illustrations for new characters on anti-chat harassment tactics cards by Janine Venter of izitart.


IGNORE – NAZKAR (taken from nazarandaaz karana, meaning ‘ignore’ in Hindi)

Kananfor concept art Illustration

REPORT -KANANFOR (taken from kano ANAFORA, meaning report in Greek)

Huiying concept art Illustration

RESPOND – HUIYING (the straight Chinese translation for respond)

Prevent Nqanda concept art Illustration

PREVENT- Nqanda (taken from ukunqanda in isiXhosa, meaning prevent)

Science fiction illustrations

From rough ALIEN sci-fi fandom sketches to high-quality book illustrations with Rupert Dolby of Studio Dolby.

Alien sci-fi concept art fandom sketch
Remember The Future
The lure science fiction space ship
The Lure
Alien sci-fi concept art
Bug Team Ambush
Union of Progressive Peoples’ Biosphere and Project Phoenix HQ